The Illinois Supreme Court has made it easier for co-parents suffering high conflict relationships. With the adoption of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 909, courts can now require parents to use a parenting coordinator to resolve ongoing parenting disagreements. Rule 909 defines “parenting coordination” as “a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process conducted by a licensed mental health or family law professional, which combines assessment, education, case … Continue reading Hope for High Conflict Parents
A Primer on the 2020 CARES Act Legislation
Although current COVID-19 restrictions are in flux, many people will face long-lasting ramifications from the prolonged Illinois shutdown. Whether through a loss of employment, reduction of hours, or closing businesses, every Illinoisan has been affected in some way. Recognizing the hardships every citizen will face, the government has passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, commonly known as the CARES Act, to help … Continue reading A Primer on the 2020 CARES Act Legislation
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Judges have been doing a great job of addressing the legal needs of the family law community. They have moved swiftly to modify court procedures. They are ensuring that emergency issues are addressed and that cases advance as quickly as possible. We are here to answer all of your questions regarding your case in the wake of … Continue reading FAQS IN LIGHT OF COVID-19 (KANE COUNTY SPECIFIC)
The Dog Days Of Summer
As the days get longer, and the air conditioning units start to continuously flip on, more people and their dogs will get outside to enjoy the sun. This article offers legal points to help make sure you and your canine friend are law abiding members of the community. Dog Law 101 Your responsibilities as a pet owner: Under Illinois law, you are legally the owner … Continue reading The Dog Days Of Summer
Introduction Under longstanding tax law, maintenance was tax deductible by the payer and taxable income to the recipient. By using maintenance, families could shift income from a higher earning spouse’s upper tax rate to the lower earning spouse’s often negligible tax rate. As a result, families had more cash available to divide as part of the divorce settlement. Due to recent changes in federal tax … Continue reading MAINTENANCE MERRY GO ROUND: FURTHER CHANGES TO ILLINOIS MAINTENANCE LAW
Illinois House Bill 185 – 50/50 Custody Bill
Illinois House Bill 185 has been filed with the House of Representatives Clerk. The Bill would amend the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act to allocate parenting time in a divorce or parentage case on a 50/50 basis unless the court finds, in a written order, reasons why such a schedule is not in the best interest of a child. This bill dramatically alters … Continue reading Illinois House Bill 185 – 50/50 Custody Bill