Divorce Lawyers

How To Find The Best Divorce Lawyers For You

Divorce Lawyer Checklist

How to find the best divorce lawyer for you

Everybody has different goals when they look for the best divorce lawyer for their case. Some people are focused on price and others are more interested in the lawyer’s skill and experience in the area of divorce law. Your first step is to identify the nature of your case and what type of divorce lawyer would be the best fit. While many are focused on cost alone, this is only one factor to consider when choosing a divorce lawyer. Here is a divorce lawyer checklist for you to consider in choosing the best divorce lawyer for your case:

  • What are the issues in the case? Do you have property, children or both?
  • What is your desired outcome? Are you looking for a quick negotiated settlement or are you looking for the best legal result possible?
  • How complicated are the facts or issues? Is a family business involved or are there unusual financial complications to the case?
  • How long have you been married? Longer marriages usually involve more complicated legal issues.
  • Are you or your spouse seeking maintenance or alimony from each other?
  • What are the personalities? Is your spouse unreasonable or easy to work with? Is your spouse dishonest?
  • Are you concerned about your spouse hiding money?
  • Is your spouse seeking child custody? Is your spouse attempting to use the children as pawns to gain a financial advantage?

These are just a few of the questions that you need to ask yourself when choosing the best lawyer for your case. If you have any complicated issues, you need to find the best divorce lawyer possible to protect you and your rights.

Steven N. Peskind is the only divorce lawyer in Kane County Illinois that is rated as “Best Lawyer in America.” Superlawyers and The Leading Lawyer Network also rank him as one of the best divorce lawyers: the top 5% of divorce lawyers in Illinois. For more information go to PeskindLaw.com or call 630-444-0701 to determine if Peskind Law Firm is the best divorce law firm for your case.

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