Child Custody

Child Custody in Illinois

Child custody disputes are terrifying.  While most disagreements are sincere, parents sometimes use is as a lever to gain a financial advantage in a divorce case. Any disputes, whether legitimate or not, place enormous stress on the entire family, including the children.

A parent seeking child custody must make good choices from the start. The first decision involves hiring an experienced lawyer. Child custody cases require a lawyer to have a working knowledge of many areas of law, court procedure and parenting science. You need to find the best lawyer possible. Decisions made before and during the case will not only impact the result but will influence your children’s future.

When evaluating parents in contested these cases, judges consider the best interest of children. This means that a judge will evaluate what parenting arrangement is best for the children, rather than the parents. Parents must keep this in mind when making decisions. Focus decision-making on the child rather than yourself.  Avoid trying to win the child’s favor by permissive parenting. This will harm the child and create a “treat–war,” with both parents competing to be the most liked. Children crave structure and boundaries and they will ultimately respect the parent with firm and fair boundaries.

Judges often appoint psychologists and specially trained lawyers called guardians ad litem to investigate the best interest of children.  These people will often make custodial recommendations to the judge. Again it is vital that your lawyer has insights into the evaluation process to enhance your chances of success. Find the best lawyer to understand and work with these evaluators.

Children should be excluded from the case to the extent possible. Don’t discuss issues in the case with them and make sure to avoid asking them their preferences. While at the center of a child custody dispute, children should not be asked to decide between two competing parents. When children are made soldiers in their parent’s war, they are the first casualties.

Attorney Steven Peskind has handled hundreds of contested custody cases over the course of his nearly 30-year career. He employs an assertive and intelligent approach to protecting you and your children’s interests. He has been ranked as one of the best lawyers in America and a Super Lawyer in the area of family law. Contact Peskind Law Firm at 630-444-0701 to discuss a consultation concerning your child custody matter.

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